Defense Attorney preparing for his day in court
Laptop is shut off and files and papers cover all surfaces.
Turning Courtrooms Digital
My sister is a Criminal Defense Attorney, working as a public defender. I'm constantly surprised how much the county still relies on paper in legal matters. This exercise is an attempt to provide courtroom attorneys, like public defenders and state's attorneys, with a simple app to keep track of court cases. This would be especially helpful for public defenders, who provide top-quality legal representation for up to 10 times as many clients as a private attorney.
This enterprise-wide app would have access to the same data that is used by the courts, sheriffs, prosecution, and defense.
User Interviews & User Stories
I talked with many of my sister’s colleagues in order to identify user needs. Public defenders are pressed for time, yet driven to provide the best defense possible for their clients. They become very skilled at knowing their courtroom, what sentence their judge is likely to impose, and the approach the State will take. But when they move courtrooms, cover for other attorneys on leave, or fill in during a holiday bond court, there can be a frustrating learning curve and communication barrier.
”As an attorney for the defense, I want...”
...a calendar of appearances in my assigned courtroom so I can manage my time wisely.
...a description of each case and my client's background (and new charges) so I can serve him or her appropriately and efficiently. ability to add notes myself, for my own memory and to communicate with my partner (lawyer) or investigator.
...quick access to the exact law and possible sentencing range, so I can respond quickly when I get new clients.
Courtroom Calendar
Once an attorney signs in, they see a list of all upcoming cases. This list is customizable - for example, attorneys can also choose to see "Upcoming cases in courtroom 202", or all of today's cases.
Users can also view what's going on in their schedule with the calendar view.
Client Details and Case Cards
Tapping on the appointment shows details of the case. Selecting the client's name shows all cases, past and present, for this client.